From the first steps in the world of karting up to the highest levels, the jetting is always the deciding factor to compete at the top, in fact, the tight regulatory constraints force you to work on details and optimal tuning of chassis and engine is essential to be competitive. For this we have developed the software for all major categories, thus allowing everyone to optimize the carburetion in few seconds. The software is intended for professional use, but given its ease of use is also ideal for beginners and inexperienced for which is particularly instructive allowing to make immediately a a quantum leap technical and of performance.
With our test team and the many users that we've in different countries of the world the software have a refinement continuous to be always updated at the technical and regulation novelties that are introduced.
We don't know the regulation in the different countries, but below you can see like the software SET-UP Carburetor has been developed for all the main model of carburetor and for all the main categories of kart then if you don't see your model write us to have information.
Get a free copy of the spreadsheet: 2-STROKE TUNING - PORTING DESIGN CHECK(right click, and save destination as..)
Just fill in the input fields, and you will readily get the results.
The litterature on which the website is based on, are the books:
2 STROKE WIZARD TUNED PIPE PRO Version 6 OUR FAMOUS EASY TO USE 2 STROKE EXPANSION CHAMBER CALCULATOR BY SIMULATION SOFTWARE JUST. My professional 2 stroke expansion chamber design software is more sophisticated than other programs that only use a few basic formulas. Read my expansion chamber theory page to get a full understanding of how expansion chambers work and click here to read more of the details of this spreadsheet calculator.theory page to get a full understanding of. Program operation: HTML. Port map analyzer V3.0. For Windows 98, XP, NT and Vista. Calculate your angle areas, mean areas, or time areas in minutes, directly from the portmap image: Load png or jpg port map. Enter bore, stroke, conrod length and deck height. Mouse click once on each port to start port trace. Enter port height to top of barrel. 2 Stroke expansion Chamber Software- I used 2 Stroke Wizard by Build and Click. Cost $20.00, came with a 4T header design program and a cone printing program that breaks large cones up to fit on 8.5x11 pages you can cut out and tape together.
1.Design and simulation of Two-Stroke Engines by: Gordon P. Blair
2.Two-stroke TUNER’S HANDBOOK by: Gordon Jennings
Yamaha 2 Stroke Tuning


Thanks to the authors and their publishers. It is highly recommendable to read theese books.
The website does not intend to compeed with any other website dealing with 2-stroke tuning, and the information shared is not at all as thorough as what you can get from reading the books. But hopefully it can help you getting started in a less insecure manner anyway.
Free Tuning Software
Comments from enthusiasts could be very helpfull for other readers and are much appreciated. Just send a mail to: PORTINGAT330.DK
All mails will be read and the content taken into account. However I can’t promise to answer all the mails that might appear, but I will do my best.
Software For Tuning Cars
Below is a picture (comming soon) of an old fasion two-stroke engine where all ports are piston controlled.